Can you believe that 2nd quarter is almost here? How did you do on your 1st Quarter goals? Did you crush them? Are you happy with your results? Did you get some things accomplished but not all of your goals?
Examine what went right and what went wrong and course correct for Q2. If everything was great, congrats! If you didn’t hit your goals- it’s not too late!

I’d like to issue you a challenge. Not a three month challenge but a one month challenge.
For the next 30 days of April I want you to work differently in your business.
Whatever your obstacles (health, family obligations, death, finances) I want you to put those aside and figure out some solutions for them or way to work around them.
- That may be getting up 1 hour earlier to finish a project M-F.
- It might be hiring a sitter on Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons.
- It might be resigning from extra obligations for the month of April.
But the rewards will be worth it.
Imagine if you committed to YOURSELF to get focused on a goal and worked different in Q2?
Commit Yourself to:
– Making decisions faster. I have a rule: 48 hours from decision to implementation or I don’t do it.
– FINISHING projects before starting something new.
– Taking more risks. Stop over analyzing it and just going with what you have.
If you make the commitment and stick with it for the next 30 days, your business life could look radically different.
Focus is the key.
Being on purpose with your goals and time is key.
Setting intentional goals and finishing them until completion is the fastest way to start or grow a business.
But it comes with a price.
It requires you to say no.
- No to more classes, workshops, books etc.
- It means saying no to extra volunteer activity
- It might mean saying no to yourself and learning to stay focused and with a single task before you move on.
You know what you need to put on pause or say no to until you get back on track.
You have to commit.
Don’t make a laundry list of should’s. Just make 3 lists of goals for:
and Health
Decide whatever those 3 categories are for you and get focused.
Make a BIG but consistent shift in the way you move, breathe and work and you will be amazed at the results that you can achieved with focused and relentless dedication.
So I dare you – take the challenge for April. Set some intentional goals that you finish and see how working at a faster, smarter pace accelerates your business!
I believe in you,
P.S If you need an accountability partner, we are over in the Inner Circle working weekly through how to start and grow your business. I’m issuing this SAME challenge to them as well for April.
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