After working with 100s of business owners over the last 10 years, I can pretty much nail down in less than 20 min who will be successful and who won’t. Do I have secret powers? My kids think so, but no. What I have noticed is that successful business owners all posses several qualities and they all approach a project the same way….Head on!
As my favorite business owner says, “I live in the now”, which is reflective of how much work she can get done in a short amount of time.
This list is true whether you are an online retailer, QVC, HSN, brick and mortar or doing home parties.
Here is are Top 7 Qualities of Successful Business Owners in the Skin Care Business:
1. Decisiveness. When a client begins a project, they already have an end in mind and make decisions quickly. Business owners that hem and ha and take longer than 6 months, usually will have mediocre business and lots of product in the garage.
2. Stick to It’Ness (I made the word up) also know as consistency. Successful business owners don’t disappear after a few phone calls, only to reappear months later. The clients I work with are consistently on top of things. This principle is true for “big” personalities to the soloprenuer.
3. VISION – It’s in caps because there is a huge difference between VISION and an idea. Vision will get you through the long cold nights fretting about logistic, or raising capital where as an idea will stay in your journal the moment opposition arrives (and it will.)
4. Speed – this is so important. The speed in which you can get your idea to market will dictate your sales. Especially if it’s a seasonal item like sunscreen or hand creams for cold weather.
5. Ego with a Sprinkle of Humanness. Let’s be honest it take balls or hmm courage to start a business. Many times successful business people will do well simply because they assume they will do well. However, because they have to work with other people to launch their idea, successful business people know how to relate to other.
6. Get Over Things Quickly. Things happen in the private label skin care industry. Boats take longer than expected, chemist can’t get formula together. You get sick, kids sick, etc. You have to be able to adapt, adjust and move forward.
7. Life Outside of Work. This often constitutes your ‘why’ of doing the business. None of us want our entire life to be work. It’s important for sure, but successful business people often lead full lives outside of their business. Often times the business is the tool for them to have full lives.
I would love to hear your thoughts on what makes a successful business owner! Leave a comment or tweet me @privatelabeltip.
Great article Melody.