The word for the day is Upgrade.
Is 2014 your year to launch your first business? Maybe 2014 is the year that you are going expand your product offerings. Whatever, cool & exciting new plans that you have for the year I have a word for you and that word is Upgrade.
I see a lot of start up business owners with limited budgets try to cut corners on the wrong things in an effort to save money. So I wanted to share with you several ways that you can Upgrade your business and products (even on a start -up budget).
1. Upgrade Your Artwork Design.
This is an area where I see start-up entrepreneurs attempting to launch on the cheap and use homemade designs which is fine if you are graphically inclined.
But if you are like me and not graphically inclined, then spend the money on hiring a professional graphic designer. Before you scream “but I can’t afford it” let me offer that you can’t afford not to.
The only thing selling your product besides you is your design. Therefore, spend money on your design so that the product can sell itself.
Here are several sites that you can use to get a professional looking design:
2. Upgrade Your Packaging.
Sometimes your product is not well represented in the initial packaging that you have selected. And that’s okay…it just means that it’s time for an upgrade!
Perhaps moving from a plain white jar to an acrylic jar is the solution. Or maybe switching the lid from a stock white to a silver lid will give your packaging that extra little shelf appeal. Look for ways to upgrade your packaging, there are always options at every price point.
3. Upgrade Your Website Pictures.
This was a lesson that I learned recently. A reader wrote and mentioned that she really did not like my graphics…..that was an ouch for a moment until I realized that she was right. I am in the beauty industry and so my graphics should reflect the industry that I serve. Moving forward we will be upgrading our graphics.
Here are some places to get great graphics!
4. Upgrade Your Bio Pictures.
Schedule a mini session with a professional photographer. For less than $300 USD (sometimes cheaper) you can have some professional pictures that really add pizzaz to your website. I have my appointment scheduled for later this month!
5. Upgrade Your Vision.
Recently, I was on a mastermind call with some brand owners who are making amazing money and have been in the business for 10+ years. We were setting our 2014 goals and this one particular and successful brand owner said that she wanted to make $140K a month in her business. My mouth dropped to the floor, it never occurred to me to set THAT big of a goal so I asked her why she choose that number and her answer was simple and profound…she said and I quote “Because I can”.
After that call, I am upgrading my vision for my business, won’t you do the same?
Hope these tips were helpful, I’d love to hear how you are going to upgrade your life and business in 2014! Leave a comment below, or tweet me @privatelabeltip or on my Facebook wall and let me know 2 things that you are going to upgrade!
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